I gotta tell you It's not fun being rejected all the times. by I mean "REJECTED" is to not give someone the love and attention they want and are expecting from you. I got rejected so many times and I don't know why.It's like I'm not complete being a girl :(
am I too ugly?or too fat? or just too dumb to achieve something....
just try and imagine when you audition for a role so many times and you just cant have it. when you try so hard to get the judges attention, they just can't accept it because there's something wrong about you.all they can see is the weakness in you. they want everything's perfect and in the end they're happy.*clap*.
I don't know when can I really be accepted by someone whom I like. I wish my life would have been better like hers. I mean she's so beautiful, and talented... and who doesn't like her? who doesn't want her for a record deal? who doesn't want her to be his girl? I know that think positive is the only way to make us better but to me, it's not... when I think positive, it's like 'hey,yeah!! I'm not gonna let a stupid club getting on my way,there are many more clubs that I can enter'. then a few seconds past, I was like 'hmmphh.I will never get into the club I want. I'm just not good to be in it.'
but I'm just making up a story. that was just an example. but what really happen is a secret and I will never tell my friends even my bestfriends. They don't support me like they did back then.All they do is laugh and say 'aww pity you [*pat on the head*]' and that's it. I just can't trust anyone again. :[
so my point of view here, being rejected is very hurtfull. some people can take it as a...what do you call it... ummm...it's like a thing that makes us keep going. but some people can't and they end up hurting and killing themselves just because they feel useless.
and I don't have a guide because I haven't found the answers yet.
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