hmmmm...have u ever got jealous when that someone was once a timid person and doesnt like to be taken pictures with and the next day u know,that person is sooooo famous and so-called "HOTSTUFF".well have you? well i did, for sure. you see, this "person" i'm talking about is anonymous of course.(well i cant tell duhhh?or else i'm busted).well i'm gonna call this person the copycat(i cant tell it's he/she so im using IT as a disguised). it started when IT created an account at *******. IT started to upload the pictures of ITself and everyone was attracted to IT's look.and more and more pupil started to add IT. then suddenly IT was attracted to this other IT(wich is ITno.2) and began a relationship. when i ask IT(the copycat) "hey,u couple dgn die eh?" and then IT answered "no la,ITno.2 is just a scandal".my respond-(in my mind)[hmmm..scandal ker?? yea right,i know u're bffl told me that you da couple dgn die.bajet jer lebey.blah ar ko.] hahahahaha.that was a long time ago. so IT da famous because of ITno.2. and IT started to friend with all the "so-called famous person". and IT has a bestfriend too. IT's bestfiriend(which is not that famous) has a group of of the group is famous and i dont know IT's bestfriend introduced IT to they become friends and they bla bla they are famous!(im not making a long story)-THE END-
okay so do you see my point of view here???if you dont let me explain.
sometimes,a person is famous because of their friends,looks and attitude but not their talent. when you see a person that is unknown to the public and unregconized to evryone,you might ignore that person right?(well yea some of you dont) but you dont know what's hidden behind the unknown and infamous person.maybe that "person" has a very good talent that he/she hides. so dont just go around and act HOT and pretended that u dont know he/she because that person is infamous GOT IT? DO NOT UNDERASTIMATE A PERSON THAT IS A NOBODY!!!